A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who joined the public screening of GENERATION ZAPPED! It was amazing to see so many of you, willing to take the time out of your busy schedule.
Thank you also to anyone who helped to promote the event including Homesteader Health and the Health Hut. Your support contributed to the success of the event and I greatly appreciate your community spirit.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive despite the fact that the information itself has (understandably) been overwhelming to some.
The next step will be different for each one of us, big or small, it does not matter, the most important thing is that you start NOW. For some it maybe getting rid of the smart meter on their house, another person may look into viable alternatives to the wireless baby monitors, simply becoming more conscious about when and how to use a cell phone can make a difference. Some people may begin to start raising awareness through discussions with family, friends and teachers. There are so many different ways and there is no right or wrong. Be conscious of the fact that electromagnetic background radiation impacts our well-being and start making changes NOW. Begin with something that is easily manageable and continue on this path.
Thank you again and as always, green blessings,

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