Lifestyle Improvement
“…often, with choices, the hard part isn’t ‘knowing’ what we should do…
but, ‘doing’ what we know we should do.”
– Brock Tully
Our health depends on a great variety of factors and health is more than the absence of dis-ease. A life lived with the physical, emotional and spiritual in balance has a great influence on our well-being. As well, our genetic predispositions determine our inherited strengths and weaknesses.
It is important to understand that regardless of our individual “make-up,” we have the ability and possibility to influence our health through the many lifestyle choices we can make. This includes diet, exercise, spiritual practice and mental attitudes which reflect the way we deal with life in general as well as stressful situations. If we desire to enjoy vibrant health, we need to take responsibility by making choices that provide our body with the essential building blocks required for “peak performance.”
These choices and the importance of implementing the different measures vary to some degree for each individual but are fundamentally are the same. It is becoming more important now than ever before to be conscious about how different choices impact our lives – physically, emotionally and spiritually. A pure diet with wholesome foods that nourish the whole person, as well as exercise, can no longer be ignored without ill effects. The term “health food” is a misnomer; food either supports a person by providing the nutrition required for proper functioning or it should not be considered food!
Guiding clients and students to make choices that are supportive to each individual’s situation is an integral part of Gudrun’s practice and teaching. Typically, once a year in the spring, a six week program is offered that supports students through a cleansing process and focuses on healthy lifestyle choices including raw foods, exercise, and balancing the daily challenges of life. The group setting and weekly meetings provide the support required by many to succeed with the challenges of following through with dietary changes, the actual liquid cleansing diet and other supportive lifestyle changes.
Please contact Gudrun for any of her services or additional information.
Over 25 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher.
Phone: 780-532-2464
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