“Give of your hands to serve and your hearts to love.”
– Mother Teresa
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive form of healing applied primarily to the feet; less often it is applied to the hands and ears. Reflexology deals with the underlying principle that we have reflexes in the feet (hands and ears) that relate to every single cell of the body. Working these reflexes stimulates the body and assists it in regaining or maintaining balance.
The History of Reflexology
The origins of reflexology can be traced back to at least 2300 BC, when it was practiced in Egypt, or possibly even earlier in China and India. This healing art has been revived and developed in the late 1900s by Dr. William Fitzgerald. Reflexology, as we know it today, was later advanced further by Eunice Ingham, a physical therapist.
From being an old folk remedy, reflexology has now been developed into a skillful, manual therapy, giving many people relief and benefit in their often fast paced and stressful lifestyle.
What does Reflexology do?
Reflexology improves the circulation and nerve supply, and most of all releases physical and emotional stress at the same time. It helps the body in the elimination of toxins, strengthens and stimulates the immune system and any other body system. Since at least 75% of all our health problems can be linked to nervous stress, reflexology is a valuable tool for the support of the well-being of anyone.
What are some of the Benefits of Reflexology?
Reflexology is a great form of preventative medicine. Its relaxing and stress releasing effect allows the body to restore energy while being filled/ flooded with a general feeling of calm and well-being.
Reflexology assists the body in regaining physical and emotional balance and can be applied in chronic as well as acute conditions; it provides great support to the body and mind prior to and after surgery. Since the body heals best in a relaxed state, reflexology can be seen as a supportive therapy for a wide range of conditions.
Is Reflexology Safe or are there any Contra-indications?
Yes, reflexology is safe and gentle, yet very effective in supporting the body to normalize body functions. It will not make any condition more acute.
There are very few situations when a reflexology treatment may not be recommended. Check with your doctor first if you have severe varicose veins, are on kidney dialysis, or have any doubts about the safety of reflexology in your condition. Reflexology treatments within 24 hours prior to medical laboratory tests (i.e. blood and urine tests) are not recommended, because they might influence the test results.
Who will Benefit from Reflexology?
Any individual, from the very young to the very old, can enjoy reflexology. You do not have to be sick in order to benefit from a treatment; you may consider it as a relaxing time out, a preventative measure or as a tool to support your body on its journey to total wellness.
How Often should a Person receive Reflexology Treatments?
The frequency of reflexology treatments depends greatly on the purpose as well as the type and severity of the condition being addressed. The appropriate treatment protocol will be recommended by the reflexologist.
Regular treatments – initially often once a week – over a specified period of time are essential to the success of reflexology. As a preventative measure, depending on the situation of each individual, treatments once every 4 to 6 weeks are sufficient.
Please contact Gudrun for any of her services or additional information.
Over 25 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher.
Phone: 780-532-2464
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