“The Eyes are the Window to the Soul.”
What is Iridology?
The science and practice of iridology is performed by analyzing the iris (the coloured portion of the eye) along with some signs in the sclera (the white of the eye). The detailed analysis of the sclera falls under the science of sclerology.
The iris is the most complex external structure of human anatomy. It is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time information is sent back to the eyes from the brain about your overall level of health.
Genetic information about an individual’s strengths and weaknesses can be interpreted through the connective tissue of the irises, including its structure, pigmentations and accumulations. The patterns of the trabeculas (fibres) that comprise the visible aspects of the iris are unique to each individual. Health conditions that develop over time can be analyzed by changes in the iris, sclera, cornea, pupil, conjunctiva and retina. These changes are not only a function of genetics alone but also of the way a person eats, drinks, feels, thinks and lives.
In the case of weaknesses the iris provides indications where potential health issues might arise in the future. Therefore iridology can be used as an invaluable preventative tool for the maintenance of health. In addition health conditions that develop over time can be analyzed by changes in the iris, sclera, pupil, conjunctiva and retina.
The proper application of iridology allows the assessment of conditions and levels of health of the various tissue structures of the body. It is best used in conjunction with other assessment tools and healing modalities. Please note, the iris does not provide information regarding present-time events such as emergency pathologies. For the assessment of more current real-time information see information under sclerology. Iridology is NOT used for diagnosis or treatment.
Image re-printed with kind permission of Dr. David Pesek.
Performance of an Eye Exam
The iris assessment can be done as a “live analysis,” meaning that the iridologist uses a magnifying lens and a light to access the information from the iris. A much more precise and preferred way of assessing the iris is done with either a camera designed for taking iris pictures or even better, a specialized microscope with a digital camera. The pictures are then enlarged and carefully examined. Digital imaging allows a much more accurate and detailed assessment of the iris compared to the “life exam.” In addition changes occurring over time can be monitored more precisely and the findings can easily be explained to the client while looking at the images together on the computer. Nevertheless a “life exam” provides valuable information and should always be part of a complete iris assessment.
History of Iridology
The oldest records of iridology uncovered so far date back about 3000 years ago when iris interpretation was used in China. In 1813 the Viennese ophthalmologist Beer, without apparent awareness about iridology wrote: “Everything that affects the organism of an individual cannot remain without effect on the eye and vice versa.” (Textbook of Eye Diseases, 1813). Dr. Ignaz von Peczely from Hungary is considered the father of modern iridology. He published a book in 1881, titled “Discovery in Natural History and Medical Science, a Guide to the Study and Diagnosis from the Eye.”
During the first half of the 20th century, iris diagnosis was utilized in the USA primarily by medical doctors. Due to increasing political and economic pressure upon medical schools by the emerging pharmaceutical industry, the teaching of iridology was removed from the curriculum. Eventually this art and science was lost within the allopathic medical practice. However, it was kept alive by naturopathic physicians in the latter half of the 20th century. Most notably, Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D. of the U.S.A. was the champion of this valuable tool of assessment until his passing in 2001 at the age of 93. Two of Dr. Bernard Jensen’s contemporaries, Josef Deck and Josef Angerer, both “Heilpraktiker” from Germany, have also made significant contributions to the advancement of iridology and how it is being practiced worldwide today. In Europe iridology has been used clinically for generations.
Information Revealed by the Iris
The iris reveals the level of constitutional strength (the strength we were born with), inherent weaknesses and the transitions that take place in a person’s organs and tissues according to their lifestyle: the way a person eats, drinks, thinks, feels and lives. Iridology reveals the level of health and the presence of tissue inflammation in the body, where it is located and what stage it has reached – acute, sub-acute, chronic or degenerative. The iris reveals information about physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual.
The actual fibre structures and various colours of the iris give information about constitutional strengths, potential challenges and the level of a person’s physical health. These features also relate to personality traits as well as conscious and subconscious thought and emotional patterns.
By being made aware of conscious and subconscious behaviour patterns and influences of genetic memory, individuals are able to understand the origins of their conditions and afflictions, enabling them to positively transform their lives on all levels. Iridology is a great tool of analysis for prevention of illness.
Dispel the Myth: What iridology CAN & CANNOT do
With iridology one can potentially see:
- Constitutional predisposition by:
- Iris colour
- Fibre structure
- Accumulations
- Inherent endocrine gland insufficiencies
- Inherently strong/weak organs, glands and tissues
- Inherent strength of connective tissue
- Hyper-active (whitish)/hypo-active (darkened) tissue
- Gastrointestinal tract/Digestion: Level of functioning; assimilation of nutrients;
condition of colon; cholesterol/inorganic salts build-up etc. - Pancreatic imbalances
- Tissue mineral depletion
- Lymphatic congestion
- Under active functioning of skin
- Kidney congestion
- Over-acid body chemistry
- Favorable conditions for parasites and other micro-organisms
- Poor circulation & oxygenation to extremities &/or brain
- Low tissue oxygenation
- Toxic accumulations
- Levels of internalized stress
- Active and over-active mind
- Tendency towards mood swings
- Pain – mental & emotional
- Thought & emotional patterns (i.e. thoughts of self limitation; lack of self-esteem; feeling out of control; tendency towards being introverted/extroverted)
- Anger & resentment issues
- Difficulty receiving (from self and others)
Dispel the Myth: What iridology CANNOT do
Iridology is NOT used for DIAGNOSIS or TREATMENT!
It is an assessment tool for conditions and levels of health and is best used in conjunction with other assessment tools and healing modalities.
As any other science it has its limitations.
With Iridology one cannot:
- Diagnose any disease by name i.e. Candida, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc.
- Diagnose diseases of the eyes
- Evaluate visual acuity
- Identify the gender of a person
- Determine pregnancy or gender of unborn child
- Determine if an organ, gland or tissue has been surgically removed under anesthesia (accidents may or may not show).
- Identify if someone has 3 kidneys or organs missing
- Reliably identify parasites in the body and the type of parasites
- Show presence of dental cavities
- Determine the type of diet someone is eating or how much water a person is drinking
- Determine levels of:
- Blood cholesterol
- Blood glucose
- pH
- Blood pressure
- Identify if/what prescription drugs someone is or has been taken in the past
- Identify toxins/toxic metal by name that have settled in the body
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eyes
The eyes are connected and continuous with the brain’s dura mater through the fibrous sheath of the optic nerves, and they are connected directly with the sympathetic nervous system and spinal cord. The optic tract extends to the thalamus area of the brain. This creates a close association with the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. These endocrine glands, within the brain, are major control and processing centers for the entire body. Because of this anatomy and physiology, the eyes are in direct contact with the biochemical, hormonal, structural and metabolic processes of the body. This information is recorded in the various structures of the eye, i.e. iris, retina, sclera, cornea, pupil and conjunctiva. Thus, it can be said that the eyes are a reflex or window into the bioenergetics of the physical body and a person’s feelings and thoughts.
Please contact Gudrun for any of her services or additional information.
Over 25 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher.
Phone: 780-532-2464
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