All gift items, books, tree free cards, card decks, and some other items (e.g., syrups, elixirs, carrier oils). Some items are well below cost.
Examples: Perfume necklaces, (heart) gemstones, smudge sticks, karma sprays, hydrosols, stained glass sun catchers, essence oil diffuser, colour changing night lights, incense holders, Polarix discs.
Please call (780.532.2464) or message me for hours. Please bring your own bag; payment by cash, cheque or e-transfer only.
Hope is an essential element in any form of healing. Dr. Edward Bach said to never take away from anyone the hope for healing. I am hoping, wishing and praying that this year more and more people will re-connect to nature, so that Mother Earth will receive the much needed support for her healing. Everyone of us can make a difference. Let’s shift our focus to things that really matter and what life is truly about.
Green Blessings,
I’m busy preparing for my Presentation at the @canadianherbconference coming up this November. It’s a gathering of Canadian herbalists and herb enthusiasts that get together online. I will be presenting on the topics of:
– A Morning Meditation
– How to Create Your Own Flower Essences
You can reserve your ticket at
Use my code (GP21) to save $21 off the cost of your ticket. I hope you will join me.
Green blessings,
The best defense against any so-called invading organisms is a strong immune system. Keep the terrain, your body, strong and it will ward off potential dis-ease causing critters. Tend to your body like you would to a garden, nurture it with the nutrients it requires to grow and stay strong and healthy. Eat organic foods, stay away from fast foods and processed foods, eliminate sugar etc. See below for more information. Please contact me, should you be interested in herbal remedies or a consultation.
It is hard to understand, why there has been no mention in the media about some common sense measures, that are simple and effective.
A few days ago, I listened to a medical doctor on the German news. He said, that he would be more afraid of the regular flu than the Corona virus.
Even if you should get sick, following the above guidelines will allow your body to bounce back more easily.
They are so bountiful and a delight to all of our senses. You might have noticed that a lot of different insects use the flowers as their home or resting place.
Wild Rose is also a Bach Flower essence, opening the heart and bringing joy into a person’s life.
Here are two of my all time favorite recipes.
Pick some flower petals and put them in a glass filled with spring water. Let sit in the sun to allow the essence of the flower to infuse into the water. Let sit for 1/2 hour to several hours depending on your taste preference.
Enjoy as is or with some ice. If you wish, you may eat the flower petals.
Pick the flower petals and place on the honey. Honey that has not been processed is typically hard so you need to soften it slowly at low temperature. You can soften it first and then mix the petals into it, or what I do, I add the petals and let them do “their job” while the honey is softening.
Once the honey is soft, I like to stir the petals in with a wooden chop stick only to watch them come up to the surface again after a while. You can pick out the flower petals if you wish but you can also leave them in the honey.
Enjoy as a spread on a rice cake, on pancakes or with ice cream, or just straight from the spoon – whatever your heart desires.
As the seas of the world are rough right now
Let’s remember to build bridges, not walls.
Let’s sow seeds of hope, peace and love.
Let’s foster kindness, trust and tolerance.
Let’s remember that each one of us can make a difference.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. – Mother Teresa
Happy New Year & Green Blessings,
Check it out here
Some people were asking where Wilmington is. Wilmington is in the state of Delaware, about 40-50km south west of Philadelphia. This means, it will be a long day of travel to get to the event, which gives me plenty of time to rehearse my talk in my mind. All this is so exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.
My hope and goal for this event are that my idea worth spreading will touch many people’s lives, provide support for the ailing Earth and truly make a difference for years to come.
Thank you again for all your kind words and support.
Green blessings,
They are so bountiful and a delight to all of our senses. You might have noticed that a lot of different insects use the flowers as their home or resting place.
Wild Rose is also a Bach Flower essence, opening the heart and bringing joy into a person’s life.
Here are two of my all time favorite recipes.
Pick some flower petals and put them in a glass filled with spring water. Let sit in the sun to allow the essence of the flower to infuse into the water. Let sit for 1/2 hour to several hours depending on your taste preference.
Enjoy as is or with some ice. If you wish, you may eat the flower petals.
Pick the flower petals and place on the honey. Honey that has not been processed is typically hard so you need to soften it slowly at low temperature. You can soften it first and then mix the petals into it, or what I do, I add the petals and let them do “their job” while the honey is softening.
Once the honey is soft, I like to stir the petals in with a wooden chop stick only to watch them come up to the surface again after a while. You can pick out the flower petals if you wish but you can also leave them in the honey.
Enjoy as a spread on a rice cake, on pancakes or with ice cream, or just straight from the spoon – whatever your heart desires.
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