Vegetarians are at risk of two possible nutritional deficiencies: taurine and vitamin B 12, both found in animal protein. Taurine, an amino acid is deficient in about 84% of depressed individuals and in many with epilepsy. B 12 is ordinarily present only in animal protein.
Hemp hearts are the best source of protein. They have about 33% of quality protein, better than the best sirloin tip beef and far better than fish. They are the best source of essential fats, vitamins and enzymes on the planet. Hemp hearts are the only vegetable containing taurine.
Hemp hearts are the shelled seed of simple hemp, a non-hallucinatory relative of marijuana.
Hemp fibre is the longest and strongest of all natural fiber and requires no fertilizer of pesticides etc, to grow exuberantly. It produces 4 times as much fibre per acre as trees. Indeed, it is a superb source for making biomass alcohol,–far superior to corn!! In fact, hemp is the oldest known agricultural crop, used as a source for rope, cloth and paper.
So, vegans and vegetarians, rejoice and eat up! Add hemp hearts to all your meals including fruits, salads, baking, smoothies… the sky is the limit.
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