I have not watched this documentary yet but it is a topic of great interest and concern to me. I trust that the film is well worth watching. We need to educate ourselves and dig for the truth so we can make responsible decisions and if necessary fight, not only for our own well-being but especially for the health of our children, grandchildren and the Earth.
“A wifi classroom is like the inside of a microwave oven set at very low power. Children are exposed to that wifi radiation six hours every school day, five days a week, and for several months during the year.”
– Magda Havas, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Canada
GENERATION ZAPPED investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology; its effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. From its links to breast and brain cancer, to its associations with increased infertility and genetic mutations related to autism and ADHD, to newly developed illnesses, such as Electrical Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS).
So how can we uncover the facts and reduce our exposure to limit the associated health risks during this technological revolution? GENERATION ZAPPED attempts to do just that.
Here’s the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7R4gKs8ViI
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