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Grain Bread


Finally, I believe, I have found the answer to a question that has been puzzling me for years. Why is it that many gluten-sensitive people or even celiacs can eat bread in Europe without experiencing any reactions, but get sick or at least have symptoms of indigestion when they consume bread in North America?

Breads in Europe are made with yeast. The yeast helps to break down the protein lectin. Lectins can be a culprit for a great variety of health issues. In contrast, since 1950, yeast in North America has been replaced with the rising agent transglutaminase. Transglutaminase is also known as “meat-glue”; it is being used as a binding agent to “glue together” ground meat and seafood. According to Dr. Steven Gundry, transglutaminase makes us more sensitive to gluten. And to make matters worse, transglutaminase is apparently also being used in gluten free products. No wonder so many people are having trouble these days digesting bread, assuming they are gluten-sensitive when in fact, gluten is not the offender.

The need to continuously educate ourselves is of utmost importance. Unfortunately we cannot rely on or trust government and industry to make decisions that are in our best interest.

Green blessings,

ANCIENT GRAIN BREAD – Feedback to Comments

I am happy to see how many of you are expressing an interest in the bread. This bread is pretty well the only bread I eat anymore. Even though the list of ingredients looks overwhelming, it really only takes 1/2 hour to prepare prior to the baking process. Following are my feedback and additional pointers.

– While the first 6 ingredients (sunflower seeds to amaranth seeds) are toasted in the oven, combine the remaining ingredients (oats to sea salt) – easy!
– Mix together and add liquid – done!
– As I am preparing the dried ingredients, I mix a second batch already to store in the fridge in two separate containers. This means every second loaf takes only 15-20 minutes to prepare.
– GLUTEN: I know of many people who react severely to gluten and they are able to enjoy this bread without any problems.
– INGREDIENTS: all of them can be easily found in Grande Prairie, I buy mine at the health food store but I am sure you can find most of them at other grocery stores as well.
– MOISTURE: I have never encountered this problem. Once you mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones, the “dough” will be quite moist. If you find it is “wet”, you can add a few extra oats for example. You may need to let the bread sit a bit longer before baking it. This step cannot be cut short. I would say, the bread needs at least 10 hours in the bread pan before baking. Make sure the oven is hot enough and that you bake it long enough. I bought a glass baking pan that is longer and narrower (10 x 4.5 inches) compared to the regular size ones.

Hope this helps.