“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”
“The Wisconsin School Phenomenon: Impact of fresh, healthy foods on learning and behaviour” https://youtu.be/LgabV3Ktgww The video is older but the message is still relevant and powerful.
In 1997 the Wisconsin School District started an experiment, introducing wholesome, preservative-free nutrition for their students. Prior to the program the school was plagued with students dropping out and violence that required an on-staff police officer. After the introduction of the program, in a yearly survey required to be completed by schools, the school scored zero in the following five categories: dropouts – expulsions- drugs weapons and suicide. Out of 4,500 high school aged students only 16 (!) dropped out.
Why is it that nutrition is still not being given the attention and credit it deserves? We know the facts about the effects on overall health, learning ability and behaviour? How can children be expected to function properly in schools when they have no breakfast, reach for candy bars and fast foods during the day?…. If anything we put into our mouth/body does not provide the building blocks for the body to regenerate healthy cells, it should not be considered food. I wonder where the term “health food” comes from.
I strongly believe, that we owe it to our children (and ourselves of course) to provide them with the best foundation possible to succeed in life. Yet, society has the tendency to turn a blind eye to so many important facts. I encourage you to be strong, set an example for others and in this way, leave a positive footprint and make it easier for others to follow.
Green blessings,
The cookbook gives classic, contemporary and folk baking recipes that use alternative ingredients to wheat flour, cow’s milk, butter, chicken eggs and cane sugar. The way the book is set-up, you can customize the recipes to your own needs.
Details specific to each type of flour and other ingredients are provided. Some of the recipes included are: crepes, pancakes, waffles, cookies, various cakes etc.
Hopefully the book is still in print.
Green blessings from the white north,
Upon request, I have decided to offer a second herb walk on Saturday, July 4.
Last week we were blessed with fantastic weather while exploring the bountiful gift of Mother Earth. Come to enjoy a day in nature while honouring the Earth, learning about local plants, herbs & weeds and their medicinal and food uses.
Please feel free to share this information.
LOCATION: 1/2 hour west of Grande Prairie at our place
DATE: Saturday, July 4, 2015, 10 am – 5 pm (rain or shine)
COST: $80.00 incl. GST
Registration Form
Once you have registered, you will receive further instructions.
Questions? Please call me at 780.532.2464.
Green Blessings,
The long awaited Calendula ointment is ready. As some of my clients have witnessed, it is one of a kind and works wonders for irritated skin, wounds, dry lips etc. Feel free to share your experiences here.
HERBWALK, June 24 – remember to register. For details see previous post.
Green Blessings,
Learn how BACH FLOWERS can be used to free yourself of limitations (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) that hold you back from being all you can and want to be.
The workshop provides a great opportunity for personal growth and freeing yourself of limitations that are holding you back from living your life to your full potential. Register now for a great experience.
Bach Flower essences are subtle plant medicines. They were developed in England during the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach to assist in healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
This intensive workshop integrates theory and practice and provides a great opportunity to truly experience and get to know these fascinating flower essences. You will learn how to incorporate flower essences into your daily life, so that they may encourage true healing and assist you in unfolding to your full potential or simply support you through challenging times.
You will walk away from this class knowing that the Bach Flowers can truly make a positive difference in your life – like a newly found friend who accompanies you on your Journey to Health! You will also learn how to create your own flower essences.
NOTE: This workshop requires the active participation of the students.
DATE: May 23 & 24 (Saturday & Sunday) from 9:30 am – 5 pm
COST: $375.00 incl. GST, handouts and individualized flower essence remedy
($100 deposit required with registration)
Phone: 780.532.2464
Email: gudrun@rainbowhealing.ca
Adrian (ND & Traditional Mexican Healer) and I will be co-teaching the following HERBAL PHARMACY class.
Don’t miss out, register early because space is limited.
Also, dates for upcoming REFLEXOLOGY course are listed at the end.
September 21 & 22, 2013 In Grande Prairie
The Power of Plants – Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone
Gudrun Gudrun Penselin, M.Ed., M.Phys.Ed.
Clinical Herbal Thera Clinical Herbal Therapist
Guest Speaker: Guest: Adrian de Landa, ND
Traditional Mexican Traditional Mexican Healer
The workshop is practical and experiential which means all of the techniques will be demonstrated and students will be able to prepare and experience some of the applications personally.
DATE: Saturday, SEPTEMBER 21 & Sunday, SEPTEMBER 22, 9 am – 5 pm
COST: $375.00 Includes: GST, all supplies & course handouts
Registration Form attached
Please contact me via email or phone (780.532.2464)
Space is limited, register early.
Pre-registration with full payment required otherwise space is not guaranteed.
Cancellations up to September 7: 50% Refund
Cancellations up to September 14: 25% Refund
After September 14: NO Refund
Dates: October 11,12,13 and October 18,19 & 20
Watch for more details to come in the next few days
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