This recipe is a treat packed with powerful nutrition, providing energy while satisfying the desire/craving for sweets. It is a delight to watch my grand children devour this true treat. If I want this treat to last for a few days, I have to hide it in the fridge – away from anyone – small and large!
Why is it that the “treats” commonly used to reward children for “good behaviour” etc. are in most cases damaging to the children’s health? I have always been puzzled about this phenomenon while raising my own children.
As always, every time I create this recipe, it turns out a little different. I suggest you use the recipe as a guideline and be creative. Work with what you find at home in your pantry. Many of the ingredients are interchangeable. The consistency of the dough is what is important in order to be able to roll it into balls.
1. Cut dates in small pieces and soak for about 30 minutes
2. If using dried apricots for example, cut them into smaller pieces as well
3. Process soaked dates, nuts, seeds and dried fruit in food processor until somewhat crumbly
4. Add cacao powder, vanilla, coconut oil and maple syrup
5. Process in food processor until the mixture has a dough like consistency. I may add a bit of honey, extra vanilla etc. to get the right sweetness and consistency
6. Form into small balls
7. Decorate by rolling each one in shredded coconut
8. Keep in fridge in an airtight container
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