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The Truth about Cancer

The Truth About Cancer


Please do yourselves a favour and watch at least Episode 1 of “The Truth About Cancer”.  See link below.  Episode 1 documents the history of medicine, a true eye opener. FREE re-run of all 9 episodes this weekend.

We need to educate ourselves!

“The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” plus 2 Q&As.

Be sure to share this with your friends and family too.

Green Blessings,


The TRUTH About Cancer – A Global Quest

A documentary going live on October 13th.

“It’s the culmination of a worldwide search for new treatments and the potential for a cure of this life-altering disease, and the results these intrepid doctors and scientists are getting are nothing short of AMAZING.

It’s 100% free to watch ALL the episodes when they come out…This documentary series has been deemed “too controversial” for network television.”

Follow this link for additional information and share freely.

PS. One final note – Each episode of this incredible 9 part series will be online for only 24 hours from release. Make sure you go on over and get registered so you don’t miss a single thing. You’ll be amazed at what you’re about to discover.

Broadcasting Schedule

Click here for a sneak preview of “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”

Episode 1:
The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(October 13th 9:00PM Eastern US time)
Episode 2:
Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils
(October 14th 9:00PM Eastern US time)
Episode 3:
Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow
(October 15th)
Episode 4:
Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light
(October 16th)
Episode 5:
Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions
(October 17th)
Episode 6:
The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic
(October 18th)
Episode 7:
Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods
(October 19th)
Episode 8:
Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy
(October 20th)
Episode 9:
Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory
(October 21th)