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Of Interest

Of Interest

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Of Interest


Are you aware of the new banking system that is being developed globally and what the implications are?

If this goes ahead, our freedoms are lost. Every step we take will literally be monitored.

Did you know that someone (guess who) just donated $200 Million to track every move we make?

Follow this link for information relating to this and other relevant topics.

EDUCATE YOURSELF & TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Both are imperative if we want to keep/regain at least some of our rights and freedoms.



If yes, “a tab a tank” is all it takes to save.

  • Works in any combustible tank – car, boat, rig, lawn mower…
  • Works for diesel and gasoline engines including hybrids

For more information about the “fuel saving pill”, go to: 

Zero obligation! Message me if you have any questions.
Happy travels,


“The important thing is, not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Albert Einstein

The division between the ones who have and the ones who have not received the injection is omnipresent, causing much grief in many people’s lives. If you are sitting on the fence or are convinced about “your truth”, I suggest, you put all preconceived ideas aside and listen with an open mind to the sworn testimony by Dr. Fleming who is highly qualified to speak on this subject. (testimony plus more)

 “Peace is more than just the absence of war. True peace is justice, true peace is freedom, and true peace dictates the recognition of human rights.” Ronald Reagan

Hoping for the return of peace!



Y.N. Harari

Well, if you have not looked into our future that is supposed to include trans-humanism, I highly recommend you listen to Dr. Harari. Harari is a lead advisor to some very influential people that currently shape the future of the world. If his influence is successful, and many of the current trends suggest that it very well might be, human beings and life as we know it, will come to an end.

Follow this link for more information and decide for yourself if this is the future you envision for yourself, your children and grand children.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT – Our Most Precious Gifts

Children are our most precious gifts. They are the seeds of the future, requiring proper care and nourishment so they can flourish into healthy, loving, and responsible caretakers of the Earth and all her living beings.

The challenging question that arises is, if the current, intensely promoted injection campaign might interfere in an adverse way with the healthy development of these beautiful young souls. They are too young to decide for themselves what is in their best interest.

I highly recommend that you listen to the 2min. message to parents from the doctor who invented the new technology that is used in these injections. Follow this link for the message and the transcript.

Enjoy the return of spring, the moment of freedom but do not become complacent and allow yourself to be lulled into the belief that “all is good and back to normal” – it is important to remain vigilant.

Green blessings, Gudrun

Children Playing Rainbow Healing


“It’s easier to fool the masses than to convince them that they are being fooled.” – Mark Twain

Restrictions have been lifted by several countries across the world and fortunately, Alberta is one of the provinces among these places. It feels like, finally, life is returning to (almost) normal. The question remains if this is truly a time to celebrate or could it be that the appearance of normalcy is only a deception?

Censorship continues, words and phrases such as digital ID, the new wireless technology, health pass, green pass, trans humanism, called human augmentation in Europe, etc. are still dominating political actions “behind the scenes”.  I strongly recommend, you educate yourself outside of mainstream media. Follow this link for some resources.

Remember: “You can look the other way, but you can never say, you did not know.” William Wilberforce


“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell

How will digital ID programs actually  shape our future?
Listen to Australian Senator Malcom Roberts to find out (1 1/2 minutes).
Don’t be fooled that this is only planned for Australia. There is plenty of information available that Canada is following the same game plan.

 May love, peace, health, respect, tolerance and freedom be sprinkled like star dust to all “corners” of this world on this turbulent Valentines Day.



“The world is big enough to satisfy everyone’s needs, but will always be
too small to satisfy everyone’s greed.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Ever heard of the “financial reset”? If you want to get a glimpse into our potential future of a cashless society, I suggest you listen to two short presentations (links below) by Catherine Austin Fitts who is probably one of the most qualified person’s to speak on this subject.

2nd Canadian Herb Conference November 4 – 7, 2021

Happy to be back as a presenter at the 2nd Canadian Herb Conference (online), November 4-7. Hope to see you there!

Green Blessings,


We’re pleased to welcome Gudrun Penselin from Rainbow Healing to our presenter team this year. Gudrun will be teaching:

🌱 A Morning Meditation
🌱 How to Create Your Own Flower Essences

An award-winning author, speaker, teacher, and expert in herbal medicine, Gudrun has over 30 years of experience as a complementary health practitioner.

In her practice and teachings, she uses a holistic approach to wellness combining healing modalities such as herbal medicine, Bach Flowers, connecting to plant spirit, reflexology, iridology/sclerology, light/colour therapy and lifestyle improvement.

In November 2018 she shared her passion in a TEDx talk, Flowers that Heal Us, in Wilmington, Delaware, US.

Gudrun graduated in Germany with a M.Ed. and M.Phys.Ed.

After her immigration to Canada in 1981 she focused her education on complementary medicine and as part of her journey of life long learning she graduated as Clinical Herbal Therapist from Dominion Herbal College in 1996.

Her commitment to the Earth and humankind prompted her to create several publications.

She is the author of award-winning books Healing Spirituality – A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers (Winner), Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas (Finalist) as well as the executive producer and co-creator of the instructional DVD Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone, A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Herbal Preparations.

She also created the card deck Bach Flowers Unfolding.

Her deep interest in learning about other cultures and their healing traditions led her to travel to many places across the globe, including India, where she was fortunate to spend some time with Mother Teresa.

More recently, her travels have taken her to Central and South America, where she focused her attention on some of their traditional forms of healing.

As a natural educator, Gudrun brings joy whenever she shares her knowledge and experience about plants and their healing spirit. Her clients see her as a compassionate professional, mentor, and friend.

Will you join us at our 2nd annual conference? Tickets on sale now at


Check this out. This is the best bread ever because it is packed with nutrition, extremely fast and easy to prepare and does NOT contain any flowers or gluten. It has become a staple in our life. Try it and spread the wealth of health.

Ancient Grain, Seed, and Nut Loaf from The Greenhouse Cookbook

Makes one loaf, or about 10 slices.


½ cup raw sunflower seeds
¾ cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup raw slivered almonds
1/8 cup buckwheat groats
1/8 cup millet seeds
1/3 cup amaranth seeds
1 ½ cups gluten-free rolled oats
¾ cups gluten-free steel-cut oats
1/3 cup whole flax seeds
1/3 cup psyllium seed husks
1/3 cup chia seeds
2 tsp sea salt
2 tbs pure maple syrup
¼ cup virgin olive oil
2 ¾ cups filtered water


1. Preheat your oven to 325 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Combine and evenly spread the sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, buckwheat groats, millet seeds, and amaranth seeds on the prepared baking sheet. Toast for 10 to 12 minutes, or until golden.
3. In a large bowl, combine the rolled oats, steel-cut oats, flax seeds, psyllium seed husks, chia seeds, and salt.
4. When the toasting seed mixture is golden, remove from the oven and add to the bowl of dry ingredients; stir until combined. Add the maple syrup, olive oil, and water to the bowl and mix well. We use our hands for this (wet them first). The mixture should feel quite soggy; the seeds will absorb more water as they rest.
5. Line the bottom and sides of a 8- x 4-inch or 9- x 5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper. Pour the dough into the pan and shape the top into a smooth dome with wet fingers. Cover the dough with a clean tea towel or napkin and let it sit at room temperature overnight or for up to 24 hours. When you’re ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400 F.
6. Uncover the dough and place the loaf pan on a rack in the centre of the oven. Bake for an hour and 15 minutes, or until the crust is dark brown and sounds hollow when you knock on it. (It may take an hour and a half, depending on your oven.) Remove loaf from the oven and let cool completely, at least 2 hours.
7. Slice and serve toasted. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.

Green Blessings,