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Of Interest

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Herb Conference

Spring appears to have made a come back after all!

It is the time of the year when great herb conferences are in the final planning stages. Check out the Kootenay Herb Conference the first weekend in June. It will be a fun-filled weekend with lots of interesting workshops and people who care about the Earth and leaving a positive foot print.
I will be there for sure, teaching two workshops.

Check it out at:

Green Blessings,


In Celebration of Herbs

In Celebration of Herbs – IHA (International Herb Association) Conference in Michigan

I just returned from the herb conference in Michigan where I taught a class on Bach Flowers. The conference was held at the old Kellogg “summer cottage” on Gull Lake, an absolutely amazing place. The primary focus of the conference was Hops because it has been chosen as the “herb of the year”. I am now back in Ontario for a book signing tour, another interesting (ad)venture.

Green Blessings,
