Once again both of my recent books have received awards.
“HEALING SPIRITUALITY – A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers” has been declared the winner, this time in the Soul-Bridge Body-Mind-Spirit Book Awards of Europe, category “Alternative Healing/Holistic Therapies”.
“Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas” has been chosen as the finalist in the category of Spiritual Healing/Subtle Energy.
If you do not have your own copy yet, you might want to order it now. Contact me if you would like your copy autographed.
Also, the final shipment of BACH FLOWERS UNFOLDING (2nd edition) has finally arrived and is available for purchase at any time.
Stay warm, enjoy the sun and the mountains of fresh snow!
Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift?
On Sale May 1-14: “Healing Spirituality”, “Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas” & “Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone”.
Buy any one, get 10% off, buy two of a different kind get 20% off or buy all three and save 30%. Shipping not included.
Contact me via email at gudrun@rainbowhealing.ca or phone 780.532.2464 to order your signed copies now.
Regular Prices: Healing Spirituality – $29.95; Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas – $21.95; Herbal Pharmacy DVD – $39.95.
Green blessings,
Card’s Board Game Cafe, 10001 100 Ave., downtown Grande Prairie.
PLEASE NOTE: A portion of the sales made at the book launch will be donated to a local charity.
Informative, fun, live music, door prizes, book signing, great company and much more.
See you Tuesday night!
The feedback has been so overwhelmingly positive, it is unbelievable. Thank you to all of you for sharing and celebrating this exciting moment with me.
Contact me at gudrun@rainbowhealing.ca or phone 780.532.2464.
Soon to be available online, directly from my website and later from Amazon.com and Indigo/Chapters.ca. Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks again and green blessings from under a cover of snow,
Once again, I have been busy working behind the scenes. I feel very blessed because this project is a joint venture with my daughter Yana-Lee. Yana-Lee has created all the wonderful illustrations and if all goes well the book will enter the next production phase by the end of this week. Hopefully the book will be available by the beginning of November.
Stay tuned for updates and please help get the word out about both of my very soon to be released books, HEALING SPIRITUALITY – A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING AND WORKING WITH BACH FLOWERS and HEALING WITH BACH FLOWER MANDALAS. Both provide marvelous tools for personal growth and healing in very simple yet effective ways.
Thank you for your support.
Green blessings,
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