Hope is an essential element in any form of healing. Dr. Edward Bach said to never take away from anyone the hope for healing. I am hoping, wishing and praying that this year more and more people will re-connect to nature, so that Mother Earth will receive the much needed support for her healing. Everyone of us can make a difference. Let’s shift our focus to things that really matter and what life is truly about.
Green Blessings,
Hope is an essential element in any form of healing. Dr. Edward Bach said to never take away from anyone the hope for healing. I am hoping, wishing and praying that this year more and more people will re-connect to nature, so that Mother Earth will receive the much needed support for her healing. Everyone of us can make a difference. Let’s shift our focus to things that really matter and what life is truly about.
Green Blessings,
I am so happy that Dr. Aung has given his blessings to my upcoming book.
“Among all natural healing modalities, flower remedies often deserve more modern recognition for their gentle and sensuous qualities, as they provide a safe and effective treatment option that is largely free of hazardous side effects. Gudrun Penselin has created a comprehensive and insightful work on the inherent healing qualities of Bach Flowers in Healing Spirituality: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers. Flush with historical insight, practical guidance and a thorough understanding of the vibrational healing powers of Bach flowers, this book is a must-read for both beginners in the field as well as experts, who will benefit from an enriched understanding of remedial flower therapies.”
Steven K. H. Aung, CM AOE MD PhD FAAFP
Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Adjunct Professor, Faculties of Extension, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rehabilitation Medicine and School of Public Health
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Getting close, only a few weeks until the official release date. Stay tuned for more news…
Green Blessings,
Hope is an essential element in any form of healing. Dr. Edward Bach said to never take away from anyone the hope for healing. I am hoping, wishing and praying that this year more and more people will re-connect to nature, so that Mother Earth will receive the much needed support for her healing. Everyone of us can make a difference. Let’s shift our focus to things that really matter and what life is truly about.
Green Blessings,
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