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Flu Season

Vaccinations – To vaccinate or not?

For many people this is a difficult question to answer. Resources are available to help make an informed choice. For details including upcoming documentaries see at the end of the post.

With the flu season in full force, the topic of vaccinations is once again in the news and on many people’s minds. As always, it is a highly controversial and emotionally laden topic making it very difficult for many to figure out what to do. This is true not only for the flu vaccine but any other vaccinations that are being promoted and endorsed by the medical community. Always remember that many factors contribute to our well-being. For example any stress, be it emotional, physical, spiritual and/or mental will make us more vulnerable to contracting disease. A balanced lifestyle includes a diet that provides the building blocks for us to (re)generate healthy cells and therefore nourishes our body as well as adequate exercise, rest, fresh air, joy and laughter etc. – all are essential for our physical well-being regardless of if we decide to vaccinate or not.

1. Remember that you do have a choice, vaccinations are not mandatory.

2. Educate yourself before you vaccinate so that you feel you have made the choice that is the right one for you and your family.

3. There are a lot of good resources available providing information that will help you in making your decision.

For example:

– Vaccine Choice Canada at
– Health Action Network Society at (Canadian non-profit organization based out of Vancouver) and,
– National Vaccination Information Centre (NVIC is a US based independent, charitable non-profit organization founded in 1982.) at

4. Documentaries

– Jeff Hays Films presents… “Vaccines Revealed” is broadcasting their exclusive docu-series event for 9 days only. From Tuesday, January 10th through the 18th you can watch the whole thing for FREE:

The Health Action Network Society presents…“VaxxedFrom Cover Up to Catastrophe” Vancouver Premier. February 7, 2017 at Cinemathique Theatre,
1131 Howe Street, Vancouver from 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets are available through Eventbrite by clicking here: Vaxxed Tickets.

To view the official trailer for Vaxxed, click here.
For information on the Health Action Network click here.


FLU SEASON is just around the corner. Protect yourself and your family with the FLU SEASON SPECIAL of 4 homeopathic remedies available at my office.

1. Vitamin D drops (vegetarian)
2. Immune system support
3. Anti-bacterial formula
4. Anti-viral formula

Cost: $85 including GST for all 4 (savings of over 20%). Suitable for children.

In addition you can take some preventative measures in order to enjoy perfect health throughout this season.

1. NUTRITION – Eat a wholesome diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts; enjoy one liquid meal a day (green smoothie or vegetable juice). Avoid all foods that stress the immune system such as sugar, any processed foods and allergens. Dairy creates mucous in most people so it is best to reduce or eliminate it from the diet. Make your foods your medicines and your medicines your food.
2. REST – Ensure adequate rest in order to be able to recharge your batteries adequately. Avoid getting run down. Listen to your body.
3. EXERCISE – Exercise among others increases oxygenation in the body and disease causing organism typically do not like an oxygenated environment.
4. STRESS REDUCTION – Take time for yourself and do something that feeds your own spirit every day even if it is only for a few minutes. Remember health is not only the absence of disease. Our physical well-being depends on the harmony of all aspects – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
5. STAY WARM – Adequate clothing during the winter months to stay warm allows the body to use its energy for vital functions rather than diverting it to create heat. We lose a lot of heat through the head. When I travelled in India in 1974 in a mountainous area where it was very cold at night, it was interesting to see that everyone was wearing a toque even if they had bare feet.