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Favourite recipes

Jungle Juice Recipe

Thank you for your interest in my signature drink. Here is the information and recipe you were asking for. The u-tube video, demonstrating how to create this delicious concoction, is a segment taken from my DVD, Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone. A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Herbal Preparations. The DVD is available from my website, or you can contact me directly.

Click link below for recipe:

Jungle Juice

Happy herbaling and green blessings,




Healthy Chocolate Treat – WARNING: ADDICTIVE!

Here is your answer for the times when the cravings for chocolate are overpowering but you do not want to eat junk.

Thank you Crystal for introducing me to the basic recipe! It is so fast and easy to make and absolutely delicious. Be creative, the recipe allows for many variations.

Combine the following ingredients, slowly heat and stir until well mixed:

1/4 cup peanut butter (organic; I like chunky)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp. honey

Add the following and simmer mixture for about 5 minutes and take off heat:

1/4 cup organic raw cacao powder
1/4 cup maple syrup, high quality coconut or agave syrup or a combination
1-2 tsp. vanilla extract


1. Fast and easy (my favorite): pour mixture into a dish lined with parchment paper, or,
2. Pour/spoon into small candy moulds or cup cake paper cups. Place in fridge or freezer.



Add hemp hearts, dried cranberries or cherries, shredded coconut…


Gluten Free Scone Recipe

I suggest you start by cutting out wheat and increasing your vegetable and fruit intake. If you have a blender or juicer replace one of your regular meals with a liquid meal. You will be surprised about the difference this little change makes for your well-being. It is a matter of getting used to the changes and realizing how many options there really are.


Put into the food processor:

3 ½ cups of almond meal or flour
5 tablespoons of arrowroot flour
½ cup honey
4 tablespoons of coconut milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons wine vinegar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
6 tablespoons coconut oil
One-half cup or more of currants or dried pomegranate, blueberries or cherries and some crushed pecans, cashews or walnuts.
Mix well.
Spoon drop 7 or 8 equal amounts of dough onto a coconut oil well-greased flat Pyrex dish. Round with your fingers into equal biscuit sized pieces and flatten with fingers, so that final scone is about ¾ to an inch thick.
Bake at 350 degrees 20 minutes until nicely browned.

If you can resist, let them cool before you taste them!!!
You may want to eat them with nut butter such as almond butter or hazelnut butter. If you eat dairy you can add a slice of “real” cheese (available at health food stores).



Ingredients (recipe can be doubled)

1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup coconut milk
6 eggs (preferably free range, organic)
1-2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1-2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted
1 tsp. baking powder
1-1 1/2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cups finely chopped pecans or walnuts
Optional: raisins


Cream cheese
Maple syrup


1. Beat the eggs, add melted butter, coconut milk, and vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl mix together coconut sugar, salt and spices. Adjust spices to personal taste.
3. Add dry mixture (#2) to wet mixture (#1) and mix.
4. Sift coconut flour, add baking powder and add to other ingredients.
5. Mix very well (whisk) until the mixture has no more lumps.
6. Fold in carrots and nuts.


1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Grease baking dish (approx. 8×4 inches; bread pan)
3. Pour batter into baking dish
4. Bake for about 40-50 minutes. Baking time depends on moisture content. To check if the cake is done, insert fork in the centre; when it comes out clean the cake is done.
5. Take out, let cool and remove from baking pan.

FROSTING (optional)

Choose any frosting you like. I prefer to make it with cream cheese, freshly squeezed lemon and maple syrup. Amounts to taste. You may add pineapple and/or decorate the frosting with walnuts or pecans.



There is no such thing as “health foods”.

fruitveggiesIf what we eat does not nourish and support our bodies it should not be called food. Therefore at least 80% of what is sold as “food” in the grocery stores does not classify as food. It fails to provide the building blocks to the body required to maintain healthy cells and tissues.

It not only does not provide what is required by the body to function properly, but it also typically burdens and damages our body with chemicals such as preservatives, colouring agents, pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified/engineered foods. A high percentage of so called health issues can be remedied with a change in dietary habits. I see this happening every day in my practice.

Many people would never feed their animals the food and drinks they themselves are consuming on a daily basis. Why not? Because they know all too well that their own diet would not be good for their pets!

So, I suggest make your foods your medicines and if you do this you will be surprised how your energy increases, your skin clears up, no more phlegm, achy joints …. I recommend you eat 70% raw on a regular basis.

As always, green blessings,|

Healthy Snack Ideas

– Seeds and nuts: Both are full of healthy fats and protein, which help stabilize blood sugar levels. Avoid pre-salted nuts.

– Seed and nut butters with fruit or vegetables: The classic “ants on the log” (nut butter spread on a celery stick and decorated with raisins) – fruits such as apples dipped in nut butter.

– Veggies and dip: Any vegetable you enjoy for example carrots, celery, broccoli, tomato, cucumber and cauliflower etc. can be enjoyed with a healthy dip such as hummus or guacamole. Avoid commercial dips such as ranch. Typically they have very little nutritional value and are high in fat and therefore calories.


Wholesome – Healthy – Fast and Easy to Prepare

Christmas is approaching fast and so are the temptations to indulge in treats that we know are detrimental to our well-being. Below is a recipe for a healthy alternative – one of my favorite creations. Be creative and have fun experimenting with the ingredients.



1 1/2 cups walnuts
1 cup medjol dates, cut into pieces
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder
1 Tbsp. ground flax or chia seeds
2-3 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. water
1/2 cup raisins or unsweetened dried cranberries


1. Preheat oven to about 330 Fahrenheit
2. Process dates and walnuts in food processor until crumbly
3. Add all remaining ingredients except raisins (cranberries)
4. Process in food processor until all ingredients are well mixed and
stick together like “dough”
5. Add raisins and briefly pulse
6. Place dough on baking sheet lined with parchment paper; you may want
to spoon it but I prefer to use my hands and shape the cookies. You may
need to wet your hands if the dough is too sticky.
7. Bake at 330 Fahrenheit for about 12 minutes.

Be creative and play with pecans, sunflower seeds, shredded coconuts etc.

Green blessings,


Hard to believe Rosehip harvest in November and my little companion wanted me to share the feast with him.

I cannot believe that I went out harvesting Rosehips at this time of the year. It is truly a gift from nature. Typically I like to go out right after the first frost but this year I was not able to fit it into my busy schedule. I will make a delicious Rosehip with my harvest and enjoy some of them in a tea (for Rosehip tea recipe see previous post).


In herbal medicine, syrups refer to a form of herbal preparation that preserve the herbs using a sweet medium such as honey. There are many ways to prepare syrups but the following is my favourite for rosehips.


– 1 part Rosehips
– 4-6 parts water (using less water will produce a thicker syrup; rosehips absorb a lot of water)
– Honey
– Brandy (as a preservative)


– Combine rosehips with water
– Simmer over low heat until you have half the liquid left; in order to increase the extraction of the juice from the rosehips use a potato masher to create a pulp
– Strain the liquid through a sieve first, followed by straining through muslin or cheese cloth. Any particles left in the liquid increase the risk of fermentation and spoilage. It is recommended to use a clean and moist cloth because the moisture will help to trap smaller particles including dust.
– Pour liquid back into pot, bring to simmer over low heat
– Add honey to liquid (i.e. for 1 cup liquid add 1/2 to 1 cup honey) and stir until dissolved
– Remove from heat
– Add Brandy, 1 tablespoon (15ml) for every cup of syrup as a preservative
– Bottle in clean, sterilized jars
– Label and date bottles (ALWAYS label to avoid the creation of what I call “mystery products”)
– ENJOY – for yourself or as a great gift!

Green blessings,


Here is your answer for the times when the cravings for chocolate are overpowering but you do not want to eat junk.

Thank you Crystal for introducing me to the basic recipe! It is so fast and easy to make and absolutely delicious. Be creative, the recipe allows for many variations.

Combine the following ingredients, slowly heat and stir until well mixed:

1/4 cup peanut butter (organic; I like chunky)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp. honey

Add the following and simmer mixture for about 5 minutes and take off heat:

1/4 cup organic raw cacao powder
1/4 cup maple syrup, high quality coconut or agave syrup or a combination
1-2 tsp. vanilla extract


1. Fast and easy (my favorite): pour mixture into a dish lined with parchment paper, or,
2. Pour/spoon into small candy moulds or cup cake paper cups. Place in fridge or freezer.



Add hemp hearts, dried cranberries or cherries, shredded coconut…

WILD ROSE – My Favourite Recipes for this time of the year…

Have you noticed the abundance and colour variations of the Wild Rose flowers this year?

They are so bountiful and a delight to all of our senses. You might have noticed that a lot of different insects use the flowers as their home or resting place.

Wild Rose is also a Bach Flower essence, opening the heart and bringing joy into a person’s life.

Here are two of my all time favorite recipes.


Pick some flower petals and put them in a glass filled with spring water. Let sit in the sun to allow the essence of the flower to infuse into the water. Let sit for 1/2 hour to several hours depending on your taste preference.

Enjoy as is or with some ice. If you wish, you may eat the flower petals.


Pick the flower petals and place on the honey. Honey that has not been processed is typically hard so you need to soften it slowly at low temperature. You can soften it first and then mix the petals into it, or what I do, I add the petals and let them do “their job” while the honey is softening.

Once the honey is soft, I like to stir the petals in with a wooden chop stick only to watch them come up to the surface again after a while. You can pick out the flower petals if you wish but you can also leave them in the honey.

Enjoy as a spread on a rice cake, on pancakes or with ice cream, or just straight from the spoon – whatever your heart desires.