“You can look the other way, but you can never say, you did not know.” – William Wilberforce
Words, be they spoken or written, can be confusing and misleading. This includes the omission of information.
It is correct that the currently administered injection has been authorized by the official government agency in Canada but what has been omitted in this statement is that it is being distributed under an “interim use/emergency use authorization”. This means it has not been formally approved, and that anyone receiving this cocktail, consents (even if unknowingly) to being part of an experiment – experiments, studies or research that, in the past, have taken years to complete and included animal studies.
As always, I want to encourage you to employ your ability to think critically which includes researching and listening to different points of views including the ones that do not follow the common narrative or confirm your own belief system.
If you would like to receive information to help you decide what is the right course of action to take for you personally, please feel free to email me (rainbow.healing@telusplanet.net) and I will send you details about what a person agrees to when rolling up the sleeve to receive a shot – a shot that does not stop transmission or any of the measures currently imposed on us.
Green Blessings,
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