Having been raised by parents who lived through World War 2 and who instilled in us the importance of looking “behind the curtain” of what is happening, is probably one of the reasons why I decided to write this post. We were encouraged to ask questions, look for and request answers. Many questions and concerns arise for me during this current, somewhat surreal and unsettling crisis that is affecting the entire globe.
Governments and the media have instilled unreasonable fear in many people surrounding the Covid-19 crises. A well-known fact is that fear suppresses the immune system. But not only this, fear breeds mistrust, interferes with independent, critical thinking and can lead to unquestionable obedience.
Fear is a powerful currency, potentially leading to devastating consequences.
Rumor had it that doctors in Alberta are reporting Covid-19 as cause of death even when Covid-19 is not involved. This rumor has been confirmed to me through individuals being directly affected by this. When the doctors involved, were questioned about this, the answer was: “We are required to do this because of funding.”
I know that funding increases with Covid-19 cases; however, is this the only reason? We know this to be true from the US as well. Why are doctors pressured to lie? Why are doctors willing to follow unethical guidelines? You may want to think about this for a moment and contemplate what this really means and the far-reaching implications this might have.
I cannot help but wonder and notice how much information “disappears” quickly from the internet and social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. Why? Even though I am not much of a “Facebooker” or social media person, I have noticed this worrisome trend. Informed discussion/debate allowing different, even opposing views, is not only important but vital in order to make decisions that are based in truth and in the best interest of society, patients etc. What is happening?
TOPICS that I am aware of that appear to be typically TARGETED:
Science is supposed to be objective, trustworthy and the foundation of medicine. Yet, a lot of what is happening right now around Covid-19 defies the principles of science. Unfortunately, this is not only unique to this situation. Scientific findings are being ignored in the name of progress even if numerous, often hundreds of studies, have proven the detrimental effects of technology such as smart meters. Why is it that we continue to claim certain products, technologies and developments as safe even though we know better?
Data continues to come in from many different sources. For example, in Hamburg, Germany autopsies are performed on every person who died with the diagnosis of Covid-19. The coroner Professor Klaus Pueschel, head of the department of forensic medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) explains his findings in an interview, April 27, 2020.
Over 100 autopsies have been performed. Every individual autopsied had at least one, often more than one, (severe) previous underlying condition (cardio-vascular; respiratory, liver, metabolic diseases i.e. diabetes etc.). The deceased ranged from 50-100 years in age with an average age of 80. According to Pueschel, there is no need to be afraid of this virus. There are many other dangers in life that are more threatening to our well-being than COVID-19.
According to Scott W. Atlas, MD, the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, “The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19. The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.”
I am not asking anyone to agree with me. Maybe my reflections will spark a healthy debate and initiate some critical thinking, in the end, allowing us to move forward in freedom.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” – William Wilberforce
Life seems surreal at this moment, many theories and ideas are floating around, people seem worried, anxious and scared. For myself, I have many questions and concerns about the current situation which led me to do some of my own research. You will find information and quotes taken from credible sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO). I hope that the information provided, will put the current situation into a different perspective for you, dissipating some of the fear, anxiety and hysteria.
PLEASE NOTE: I fully understand the seriousness of the situation, the importance of “flattening the curve” with measures such as social distancing because this virus is extremely contagious. I also have great respect for and am very grateful to every individual who is working on the front lines to support each one of us and the ones who need extra care in these challenging times. However, I also believe in the importance of educating ourselves which includes “looking deeper behind the scenes” and using our intelligence with an inquisitive mind.
I hope this message finds you well. In my next posts, I will focus on simple, yet effective ways, you can easily implement to stay strong and healthy.
Green Blessings from under a soft blanket of fresh snow,
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