Finally, the first shipment of BACH FLOWERS UNFOLDING has arrived; it looks and feels great!
Save over 25% on any orders received by December 31, 2017. (See order form link below)
Sale price: $22.00 including GST (Regular $30.40) plus shipping where applicable.
“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful
than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Green Blessings,
Now available in Grande Prairie at my office (for your signed copy) or in Grande Prairie at Homesteader Health (both stores) and the Health Hut (Prairie Mall).
I am on a book signing tour in Vancouver and for right now the coloring book is already available at Gaia Garden Herbal Apothecary and Serendipity’s Backyard in Steveston. Finlandia Pharmacy (Vancouver) is carrying the book, HEALING SPIRITUALITY.
Thank you for your continued support and please continue to help spreading the word.
Green blessings,
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out in person or spirit to celebrate the launch of HEALING SPIRITUALITY! Thank you for making this evening a successful and fun event. Let’s join forces and continue to spread the light of hope and healing for ALL – let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Thank you again to Caitlin from Card’s Board Game Cafe for opening the doors for this event and her warm welcome.
Green Blessings,
Card’s Board Game Cafe, 10001 100 Ave., downtown Grande Prairie.
PLEASE NOTE: A portion of the sales made at the book launch will be donated to a local charity.
Informative, fun, live music, door prizes, book signing, great company and much more.
See you Tuesday night!
The Magical World of Nature is captured in the photo that I took on a trip to New Mexico this year.
The book continues to be extremely well received. The feedback I have received so far gives me great hope that the messages in the book will support humankind and the planet on their healing journey.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who has browsed through the book or has read it could please post a short review on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. For Amazon.com click on the link below:
If this does not work (cyberspace!) go to the amazon website and type in: Healing Spirituality by Gudrun Penselin. Click on the link to customer reviews. Same process for Amazon.ca.
Thank you to Donna, Tacie, Rachel and Pat for your great reviews. Thank you for your support, I greatly appreciate it.
Green Blessings,
My friend, Cindy Perlin, is the author of The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free. She is offering this amazing deal on her excellent book—TODAY ONLY. Alternatively, go to my Facebook page Facebook.com share the post.
Buy this book about chronic pain treatment today! Visit http://cindyperlin.com/october-26-promotion/
Please consider buying The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free. If you do, you will:
If you’re interested, please check it out now. The bonus offers are only good today.
Below is a bit more about Cindy and the book.
Cindy’s Bio: Cindy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, certified biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain survivor. She is in private practice near Albany, NY, where she has been helping her clients improve their physical and emotional health and well-being for 25 years.
About the Book: If you’re in chronic pain and you’re not getting adequate relief from your treatment, this book is for you. You don’t have to “learn to live with your pain” or put up with unpleasant side effects from your medication. The good news is that there are treatments available that could safely cure your pain. The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments reviews the evidence for the safety and effectiveness of both conventional and alternative treatments, and reveals how organized medicine may be keeping you from getting the care you need and deserve. This comprehensive guide will help you avoid the treatments that don’t work or are likely to cause harm and select the therapies that are most likely to promote healing. Unlike most books on chronic pain treatment that advocate one specific treatment, The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments provides information about a wide variety of therapies so that you can make informed decisions about what is best for you.
Check out what people are saying about the book HERE.
“Gudrun’s work, Healing Spirituality, is a loving exploration of the magnificent findings of Dr. Bach. Through decades of research, clinical practice, as well as intuitive guidance she has brought together a comprehensive handbook that is an inspiring blend of Gudrun’s contemporary approach, Dr. Bach’s original work and accessible how-to use materials. Written for practitioners, enthusiasts and the curious. This is no doubt the most significant compendium I have had the pleasure to read.”
– Paula Marie Skalnek, Clinical Herbal Therapist
Tuesday, November 8, 7-10pm
Card’s Board Game Cafe
10001 – 100 Ave, Unit 102,
Grande Prairie
Come and join me for a fun evening with live music, celebrating this special moment in my life. RSVP please because seating is limited.
The feedback has been so overwhelmingly positive, it is unbelievable. Thank you to all of you for sharing and celebrating this exciting moment with me.
Contact me at gudrun@rainbowhealing.ca or phone 780.532.2464.
Soon to be available online, directly from my website and later from Amazon.com and Indigo/Chapters.ca. Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks again and green blessings from under a cover of snow,
Once again, I have been busy working behind the scenes. I feel very blessed because this project is a joint venture with my daughter Yana-Lee. Yana-Lee has created all the wonderful illustrations and if all goes well the book will enter the next production phase by the end of this week. Hopefully the book will be available by the beginning of November.
Stay tuned for updates and please help get the word out about both of my very soon to be released books, HEALING SPIRITUALITY – A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING AND WORKING WITH BACH FLOWERS and HEALING WITH BACH FLOWER MANDALAS. Both provide marvelous tools for personal growth and healing in very simple yet effective ways.
Thank you for your support.
Green blessings,
Thank you for sharing your excitement about my upcoming book.
It is getting VERY close now. I will let you know as soon as it is available on AMAZON – hoping for the beginning of October at the latest.
Photo: Crab Apple flowers used in the preparation for the Bach Flower essence. Crab Apple Bach Flower is used for cleansing of all aspects and helping to shift one’s focus.
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