The abundance and beauty of the Earth at this time of the year in the Peace Country is amazing. I encourage you to bring some of the magic of Mother Earth into your home by adding the wild greens to your food, preparing a cup of tea with fresh plants or harvesting and drying herbs for later use. Goldenrod is one of those amazing herbs you can see everywhere right now.
Goldenrod is a fairly tall plant with beautiful, vibrant golden-yellow flowers. You will find it in dry woodlands, forest clearings and roadsides.
The Latin name Solidago originates from “solidus” & “ago,” Solidus, meaning “healthy and strong,” and ago meaning “to make whole.” Both of these terms refer to the plant’s ability to heal wounds.
Some common names for Goldenrod from various cultures also give an indication for its medicinal use as a wound healing herb, for example in Germany the herb is often called “Fastening Herb”. In fact in ancient German history Goldenrod was gathered as a wound herb before engaging in battle, just in case it was needed.
However, the focus today for its use has shifted from a wound healing aid, to a very reliable herb to support the kidneys. It promotes the elimination of urine and is applied for acute as well as chronic conditions of the kidneys and bladder including inflammation. In addition, it has been found to support the body during times of upper respiratory infections, especially when dealing with a chronic situation.
For medicinal purposes the leaves and flowers (early flowering stage) are being harvested and may be used fresh or dried. The fresh leaves and flowers can be used for wound healing or made into a tea, which can also be used as a wound wash. The dried herb may be used in the form of a tea as well but also as a tincture. A tincture is an alcoholic extract of a plant and is more concentrated than an herbal tea. The “crafty” person might want to try to use the flowers as a natural dye.
This summer Goldenrod has been brightening up the landscape in so many places and the quality of it has been superb. Many times you will find it being “infested” with many small bugs, but this year the only insects I have watched enjoying the bright, yellow flowers are butterflies and bees!
If you are not sure how to prepare the herbs, remember that the DVD Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone provides clear and easy to follow instructions, teaching a great variety of herbal preparations. Check my website www.herbalinstructions.com for more information.
This information is not intended for the use of diagnosing any disease, condition or prescribing any treatment whatsoever. The use of any of the herbs and preparations is the sole responsibility of each individual and does not replace the services and advice of a medical practitioner and qualified healthcare provider. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before making medical decisions or if you have questions about your individual medical situation. No responsibility is assumed should the information be used in place of a licensed medical practitioner’s services.
Most of us welcome the arrival of spring, yet for others it means the return of a challenging time because of seasonal allergies.
Suffering may be reduced greatly with natural remedies, many of them available at my office. Call me at 780.532.2464 for information.
A wholesome diet (eliminates food allergens), regular exercise, stress reduction, reflexology and a positive outlook on life are key to our well-being all helping to reduce allergic/sensitivity reactions.
SEASONAL ALLERGIES present as short term, seasonal episodes with the majority of symptoms concentrated in the respiratory system, but can extend to the skin and digestive tract. Reactions may be triggered by air-borne pollens, dander, dust and mold.
CHART – by Bio Lonreco
NOW is the time to implement a treatment protocol to minimize reactions. Call me to set up a custom tailored approach depending on presenting symptoms.
– Chronic seasonal allergies with sinus pain
– Person with seasonal allergies causing acute asthma
– Allergic rhinitis with sinus pain causing eye discharge
– Nasal congestion, headache, sore throat with history of allergic rhinitis
– Allergy conjunctivitis (pink eye)
In addition, a wholesome diet (eliminate food allergens), regular exercise, stress reduction and a positive outlook on life are key to our well-being all helping to reduce allergic/sensitivity reactions.
Allergies, including those stemming from food, fungus, animals, dust, ragweed and pollens, are often a major source of misery. With the rapidly increasing incidence of environmental allergies, asthma, and sinusitis the demand for allergy solutions is at an all time high. Any person affected by allergies understands the importance of finding ways to minimize the effects of allergens in order to regain optimal daily function.
Allergic reactions vary from mild discomfort to severe pain, and, in some cases, potentially deadly anaphylactic reactions. In the case of seasonal allergies, the majority of symptoms are concentrated in the respiratory system, but can extend to the skin and digestive tract. There is a genetic component; children with allergy suffering parents are more likely to be afflicted. Another source is the severe, repeated exposure at a young age. Though genetic vulnerability and exposure to allergens are highly difficult to combat, patients can be helped through the supporting of the immune system, which decreases the severity of the reactions in question. This may include the use of immune tonics, antihistamines, and the very important concept of drainage, to reduce the toxic load on the body and support the rapid elimination of inflammatory toxins.
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